Mexico: Banana Growers Request Emergency Declaration in Tapachula

The heavy rains caused by Tropical Storm Alberto have resulted in damage amounting to up to 3 million dollars in banana, corn, sorghum, soybean, and plantain plantations, which are currently flooded. Producers informed that their main concern at this moment is for the authorities to declare a state of emergency or disaster so that insurance coverage can be activated, as the penalty with the United States is set at $500,000 per week.
One of the prominent leaders of the guild indicated that there are almost 18 thousand hectares and around 11.500 hectares of banana and plantain plantations. He projected that if insurances are not activated and they do not receive support from the authorities, they will have to pay the penalties per contract to buyers in the United States until January, which could be devastating for the sector. This weekend, members of the "David González Rey" Ejidos Union insist on activating the disaster zone declaration for Soconusco by Civil Protection to activate the insurance. They accused the state authorities of stating that there was no damage because the road had not overflowed, but the flood occurred through the drains and rainwater channels, as well as the flow of stagnant waters in the fields.
"Since Monday 24, a letter was sent to the governor of the state indicating damage in the banana plantations, harvest road and requesting that a disaster zone be declared. The response they obtained from the state civil protection is that there is no river overflow or flooding because they do not have notification from the municipal presidencies".
José Manuel Ovalle Sosa, from the Commissariat of the Ejido la Libertad of the Municipality of Suchiate, explained that the harvest was lost due to the torrential rains. The municipalities have said that they do not have the power to declare it a disaster zone.
"The Suchiate River that divides with Guatemala is overflowing, Mr. Governor. Everything has been lost soybeans, wheat, bananas, corn, and livestock". The water level in the field has reached 70 centimetres.
"What we have learned is that there is no budget and there are no funds, that's why they don't want to make the disaster declaration".
The damage to the banana due to environmental damages adds to many other products that we have been reporting with damages due to the drought and the intense heat season, and now due to the floods that have brought the first rains to the country, such as chayote, cilantro, epazote, beans, and other agri-foods.